πΉLendr Real World Asset Tokens
Note: Many changes are being made to the Lendr Network protocol based on community feedback. To learn more about the upcoming protocol changes please view this medium article: https://lendr.medium.com/community-feedback-based-protocol-redesign-16c1d93bb8cc
Lendr Network real world asset tokens
Lendr Network is comprised of multiple real world asset index tokens all providing exposure to different asset classes for holders. Lendr plans to release tokens representing:
LendrUSRE (LDRE) - U.S. Real Estate Real World Asset Token
LendrEV (LDEV) - Electric Vehicle Index Token
LendrUSD (USDL) - Inflation-Proof US Dollar Stablecoin (Flatcoin)
LendrUS - Fully Decentralized U.S. Stock Market Index
LendrDeFi - DeFi Protocols Index
LendrCM - Commodities Index
LendrGOLD- Gold Index
LendrHC - U.S. Healthcare Index
LendrEN - Energy
LendrAG - U.S. Agriculture and Food
And more (see planned tokens in the Long Term Vision section)
Lending System Functionalities
The lending functionalities of each of the real world asset tokens are the same, including opening and closing troves, redemptions, liquidations, staking, and reward mechanisms.
As such, this documentation will use USDL and LNDR as the main examples but the functionalities apply to all of our real world asset tokens and their reward tokens.
V1 vs V2
LendrUSRE is currently deployed using Lendr Network V1 protocol. All future RWA tokens are planned to be launched using Lendr Network V2 or newer versions.
π΅LendrUSD (USDL)Last updated