🦄Liquidity Pool Token Staking

Where do I go to create LP Tokens?

First, you will need to own a Lendr Stablecoin. If you do not know how to create or purchase our tokens please visit our Quick Start Guide or Buying Guide.

You can then create (ETH) Uniswap V2 LP tokens here and (BSC) Pancakeswap V2 LP tokens here.

Please ensure you create V2 Liquidity on each of those platforms as V3 liquidity cannot be staked! If you do not know how to create V2 LP please follow this guide:

How do I create V2 LP Tokens?

You can create (ETH) Uniswap V2 LP tokens here and (BSC) Pancakeswap V2 LP tokens here.

LP is created using 50% Lendr Stablecoin and 50% Native Token (ETH, BNB, etc.).

Here is a quick picture guide on how to create V2 LP tokens:


Contract addresses can be found here.

Binance Smart Chain:

Contract addresses can be found here.

What is Liquidity Pool Token Staking?

The Lendr Liquidity Pool Token Staking allows users to stake Uniswap V2 LP tokens to earn Lendr Reward Tokens (or Pancakeswap V2 on BSC). The LP tokens that this pool accepts are Lendr Stablecoin/Native token LP, for example, USRE:ETH Uniswap V2 LP tokens.

These LP staking pools are only open for a limited time and have an accelerated reward distribution compared to the other forms of staking Lendr offers. The LP staking pools last ~6 weeks.

Over that time period, all of the reward tokens for LP staking will be distributed.

Users staking in the pool also earn the normal rewards that their LP tokens generate from the DEX they created it on.

Essentially the way it works is:

  • Liqudity providers add funds to the Uniswap (ETH) or Pancakeswap (BSC) pool, and get v2 tokens in exchange

  • Liqudity providers stake those v2 tokens into Unipool rewards contract

  • Liqudity providers accrue rewards, proportional to the amount of staked tokens and staking time

  • Liqudity providers can claim their rewards when they want

  • Liqudity providers can unstake v2 tokens to exit the program (i.e., stop earning rewards) when they want

What other benefits come from creating LP?

By creating LP tokens on Uniswap(ETH) or Pancakeswap(BSC), you will also earn a portion of the fees from token transactions on those platforms.

You can create Pancakeswap V2 LP tokens here and Uniswap V2 LP tokens here.

Last updated